January 18, 2024
Canal trail
Rich History
Shopping in thrift stores and Red Wagon, Riverside Mill (Weldon is full of treasures)
Size: small town. Compact
The People
Halifax Community College
Fishing. (Unfortunately, catch and release only for the next 3 years)
Approachable town officials
Amenities: shopping/proximity to Roanoke Rapids (largest town in Halifax County)
The Weldon Mills Theater on I-95
Proximity to I-95 and Hwy 301
Golf Course
Access to Lake Gaston (visit if you can’t live on it)
Good place to retire: quiet, away from the rush of busy places
Better streets
Make store fronts more attractive. See and compare to Smithfield/ how they developed. Frank Moore: we must think/take one step at a time. (Andy Whitby described the façade improvement program. JW Shearin asked for a 6-month extension of the program; Connor Winstead, town manager, to advise).
More activities for young people.
Volunteers to come together to coordinate recreational activities; reenactments of history, and activities for all.
More emphasis on our assets: the Canal trail, the Aqueduct, the Underground Railroad. Make it more well known and easier to access for visitors and residents (why is it important, how to get out in nature and enjoy it, best places to start the trail, how to rent a bike to go on the trail, well-marked trails – no falling down or easy to miss signs, clear paths from start to finish).
Get children on the trail. Field trips?
Need places to eat, sleep and meet.
Sharing Weldon with others
Create brochures: Spend a day in Weldon
Develop Tourist Sights and Things to Do advertisement
Map out day trips around Weldon (to include larger area)
Develop more marketing pieces. Use Facebook to advertise what can be seen and done in Weldon
Emphasize the Aqueduct: 200 years old this year, One of 6 (3????) left in US. Market it. Put on Facebook. Support its cleanup and repair. Create spaces for sitting there and enjoying the surroundings. Have transportation to take people there and back. Better signage so people know where it is and how to access it.
Downtown Improvement
Draw people to downtown. Create new rack cards (update Finding Treasures in Weldon)
Red Wagon and Riverside cooperate on billboards/signage. There is a need to advertise other businesses.
Town needs to do something about boarded up buildings. (Conner Winstead noted a contractor has been hired for code enforcement; Asbestos removal is an issue; Eliminate the blight in residential areas as well).
BB&T Bank building (corner of Washington and 158) has been recently purchased: Darryl Russell is one of the new owners who attended the meeting. They are considering renovation to be a hotel/ Airbnb and restaurant.
Asheville (and Henderson) Art in Downtown vacant buildings to make attractive.
Educational Development
Activities for youth needed.
Good education options. Involve parents.
Entrepreneurial camp for kids; AI /Coding camp or program for youth (Stephanie Smith).
Co-operate with the 4-H Center. Arts and culture activities.
ABC2 has a program of youth service projects. Service days are an opportunity to get school systems involved.
Workforce preparedness programs needed. We have some, what others do we need?
Economic Development (big picture/long range)
Cathy Scott noted we need to create jobs, keep people from leaving, and recruit major businesses like Roseburg. Good education options are important. She also reported that her office is conducting a labor study.
Halifax County/ America’s 250th plans being made. Every community is to have events to celebrate our nation’s milestone birthday. The event kickoff party is at Weldon Mills Theater on April 12, Halifax Day, in 2024. Contacts you can reach out to: WIA members: Alice Irby (aliceji@gmail.com), Madison Macon (madmacon5@gmail.com); Town Commissioners: Jennifer Cox (jcox@historicweldonnc.com), Muzette Kiger (mkiger@historicweldonnc.com).
Caroline Long reminded us: Let’s do things together. The more we collaborate with each other, the more we can achieve.
We need people to volunteer and sign up for specific activities or projects.
Working together promotes community.
Contact us! admin@weldoninaction.com