Civic engagement
Working to make a difference in the civic life of our communities.
Let’s move weldon forward
We believe civic engagement is important to allow townspeople to have their voices heard, not just on election day, but every day. Weldon In Action has received a grant from A Better Chance, A Better Community (ABC2) to help citizens engage with town officials regularly. Our goals are to increase citizen attendance at Town Council meetings, help citizens understand how local governments work, feel comfortable in speaking and sharing their ideas, and to create an environment where all people collaborate to move Weldon forward.
We held two Watch Parties in February and April of this year. Our next Watch Party will be held on July 17 from 6:00–8:00 pm at First Baptist Church, 301 Third Street, Weldon NC. In these “parties’ we sample recordings of Town Council meetings, help participants understand the rules of engagement, and how they can share their input. Refreshments and fun activities are included in each Watch Party. You can also see details for our July Watch party on our Events page.
NEW- We will start using this page to share important information relevant to citizens. One example follows:
Recap from Town Council meeting, June 24, 2024.
1. Town of Weldon Fiscal Budget for 2024-2025 was approved and adopted by the Town Council. To request a copy, contact Town Hall.
2. Rivers and Associates shared information from the completed Phase 1 of the Riverwalk Project. The first phase analyzed the river bottom and surrounding area where the Riverwalk project will be built. Town Commissioners considered moving onto phase 2, which includes engineering drawings needed to build the structures, permitting, and putting the project out for the contractor bidding process. Again, the issue of erosion along the river was raised. Rivers and Associates reassured the Council that the area below the boat ramp had minimal erosion and was sound for the planned pedestrian walkway and pavilions. The Town Council voted 4 (yes) to 1 (no) to move forward with Phase 2. Grant funds for the river enhancement project were awarded to the Town of Weldon through the State Capital Infrastructure Fund and need to be used by July 2025 or the funds will need to be returned.
3. The Bike and Pedestrian Acceleration Project. A representative from McAdams presented the research report they compiled from many sources, including a citizen survey. They provided a list of priority projects and recommendations for the Town. The report is large but in easy-to-read pictures and graphs. It provides great information for moving forward in a number of areas. The next steps are to look for funding sources and partners to work on key projects. Information in this report can impact Weldon In Action’s Canal Trail project. To request a copy of the McAdams report, contact Town Hall or Weldon In Action.
Town Council meetings take place at Town Hall, 109 Washington Avenue, Weldon NC on the second and fourth Monday of each month, beginning at 6pm. The full year’s schedule can be found here.
Keep in mind there are many ways to be involved civically in your town. Attending a Town Council meeting, a Weldon School Board meeting, or getting involved on a board (there is currently space available on the county-wide Recreation Board). Want to know more, write us!
Together, we can create a better understanding of what it takes to move a town forward. Working together we can achieve more and do it better than working alone.